Our journey first began when we boarded this amazing crop plane, that felt as though we would plummet down to the ground and vomit on our pilots.

Once we landed safely in Pittsburgh, we headed on to the metroplex of Grove City, Harrisville, and Slippery Rock. After our long trip of driving and flying to our humble abode, we decided on who was sleeping where. Little did I know, I would be sharing a room with the coolest, most amazing cook, most fun, and glorious person I have ever met in my entire life, Alisha "Sergeant Sensitive" Lombardi.

As we continued in our travels, we stumbled upon the campus of Grove City College. During our time there, I had the amazing privilege of meeting a bronzed replica J. Howard Pew.

Later in our trip we took a tour of the largest privately owned waterfall east of the Mississippi River. During our time at there, a mountain man named Jack Stone came out of the woods for an all natural photo shoot in the elements of the forest. He laid down all of his manly mountain tools, such as his axe, and posed for this spectacular picture.
more adventures in the coming episodes....
signed off, Capt. Crabby
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