
____________ tour 06

So I am offering a contest. Alisha and I are headed on worldwind east coast tour headed to Greenville, NC then to Washington DC/Baltimore, then to Philadelphia, PA then down to Louisville, KY then to Nashville, TN and back to Jackson, MS. So I want to name this trip (like rock bands have tour names, like the reunion tour or the Magical Mystery Tour), but I am having a writers' block and can't come up with anything cool, so if you can come up with something cool to call the "tour" post a comment and whoever we deem to have submitted an worthy name will be named the winner and will receive some sort of prize, to be determined.

Other than that you will be able to follow our journey on the blog, so check back daily to watch our antics.

And I finally made it back to Jackson, it only took me 11 hour without my luggage, which should get here sometime this morning. Delta is going to get some form of letter to me.

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