
getting fitted for my boots...

finally, I was able to get fitted for my boots. I thought it would be weird to put on my boots, and it was a little but not as much as I expected. They still really didn't feel like my boots because they didn't really fit as well as I thought they would, but that should change once they make the adjustments.


alisha said...

WHOOP!...see i can have aggie spirit :o)cant wait til wednesday when you actually get them

Vanessa said...

You are so precious! I really enjoyed our meeting today, you quicken the study of theology to the worship of God! I really do believe you have made this study so refreshing, worshipful, and exciting! I love that.. Congrats on the boots!

Vanessa said...

Amanda wanted to come today to get the boots, but I think she is in class. You will, unfortunately, have to subside with me, your ghetto-gangsta-rapping sista.
